Looking for a job? Thinking of leaving your current one? Before you make a move, look through our compendium of fast facts about jobs and employment:
Labor Statistics1
6%- the percentage of the U.S. population (aged 16 and above) that is currently employed as of May 2012
37 states– plus the District of Columbia, recorded decreases in unemployment rates as of April 2012→ This means things are looking up for job seekers! If you’re currently looking for a job, chances are good you’ll be able to find one. Sign up with My Job Connections to get matched with the best jobs that suit your education, skills and experience.
Job Satisfaction2
83%– percentage of U.S. employees are that satisfied with their current job, of these, 41% are “very satisfied” and 42% are "somewhat satisfied" with their job
52%– percentage of employees aged 67 and older who reported being very satisfied with their jobs overall
29%– percentage of employees aged 31 to 61 who reported being very satisfied with their jobs
Determinants of job satisfaction:
- Job security
- Opportunities to use skills and abilities
- Organization’s financial stability & Relationship with immediate supervisor
- Compensation
- Benefits
→ The majority of employees are satisfied with their jobs. More employees in smaller companies (less than 100 employees) reported being very satisfied than employees from larger companies (2,500 or more employees).
→ Are you part of the 83% of the U.S. labor force who are/is satisfied with their job? If not, then maybe it’s time to look for a new one. My Job Connections has resources to help you land a new job that will match your skills and suit your preferences.
Employee Engagement3
76%– percentage of employees who say that they are satisfied with their work and their relationship with their coworkers
71%– percentage of employees who say they are satisfied with the way their work contributes to their company’s business goals.
Other Interesting Facts4
5 seconds– the amount of time it takes for an employer to make a judgment about your resume. Learn how to write an effective resume in our resume writing tip section.
30%– percentage of telecommuters who say they work in their PJs
60%– percentage of office-based employees who report using instant messaging, teleconferencing and texting to communicate with co-workers
1 in 4– number of jobs supported by retail
57% of businesses that allow employees to keep flexible hours
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1Figures are from the U.S. Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics
2, 3Figures are from a Job Satisfaction and Engagement Research Report by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM)
4Figures from The Quarter Roll Financial Entertainment, The Perfect Labor Storm, Work Simple